Methods for earlier interception of sporadic pancreatic cancer are urgently needed. Early detection is the key to improving survival of this cancer. Since 2014, the Kenner Family Research Fund has conducted conferences and summit meetings that focus on different aspects of developing an early detection protocol. After each meeting, summit, or conference, KFRF has published the proceedings and resulting ideas in Pancreas, the journal of the American Pancreatic Association, the Japan Pancreas Society, and the North American Neuroendocrine Tumor Society.
Genetic testing uptake for cancer susceptibility in family members of cancer patients is suboptimal. Among relatives of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) patients, The GENetic Education, Risk Assessment, and TEsting (GENERATE) study evaluated two online genetic education/testing delivery models and their impact on patient-reported psychological outcomes (PRPOs). Results indicated that remote genetic education and testing can be a successful and complementary option for delivering genetics care. Kenner Family Research Fund served as an advocate on this collaborative study.
In an editorial in MedPageToday Dr. Suresh Chari explains the need for earlier detection. He outlines the different approaches under development, including biomarkers for easy testing, and recognizing risk factors to screen high-risk patients.
Dr. Tara B. Coffin and Dr. Barbara Kenner review the lesser explored issues and challenges that limit the recruiting of patients from diverse backgrounds and underserved groups for clinical trials. Methods to increase diversity and address trial participation barriers are suggested.
The paper for the 2021 workshop Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: Opportunities and Challenges in Utilizing Electronic Health Records, presented by Kenner Family Research Fund (KFRF) in collaboration with the Cancer Biomarker Research Group at the National Cancer Institute (NCI), summarizes the presentations by the expert panelists, the discussion about how to apply these concepts to the early detection of pancreatic cancer, and future directions for this research.
The pre-summit paper for the 2020 Artificial Intelligence and Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer Virtual Summit provides a landscape of current efforts in the field, an analysis of gaps, and ideas for innovation and opportunity.
In an editorial, Dr. Barbara Kenner raises awareness of depression and anxiety as potential early symptoms for pancreatic cancer. She challenges researchers to explore the biological basis for this symptom as another part of the effort to find methods for early detection.
The conference report from the forum Early Detection of Pancreatic Cancer: The Role of Industry in the Development of Biomarkers has an overview of examples of innovative initiatives by industry and confirms the critical need for collaboration among industry, government, research institutions, and advocacy groups in order to make pancreatic cancer more easily detectable in its earlier stages.
The forum Early Detection: Lessons Learned from Other Cancers brought together leading experts from breast, prostate, and colorectal cancers to describe the development of early detection methods in their respective fields, and how this knowledge may be applied to possible early detection methods for pancreatic cancer. The paper summarizes the forum proceedings.
The Kenner Family Research Fund and Pancreatic Cancer Action Network held a meeting for North American pancreatic cancer organizations to actively collaborate and increase participation in World Pancreatic Cancer Day. The results of this meeting are published in this paper, as well as a listing of all participating organizations.
The Early Detection of Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer Summit Conference was conducted by Kenner Family Research Fund in conjunction with the 2014 American Pancreatic Association and Japan Pancreas Society meeting. This white paper outlines the ideas developed from that meeting, which include the development of a Strategic Map for Innovation.
The Kenner Family Research Fund conducted the inaugural Early Detection of Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer Summit Conference in conjunction with the 2014 meeting of the American Pancreatic Association and Japan Pancreas Society. A summary of the proceedings of this meeting are provided in this paper.
The Early Detection of Sporadic Pancreatic Cancer Summit Conference focused on sporadic pancreatic cancer. But early detection methods will need to be tested with individuals at high risk of developing pancreatic cancer. The supplement supplies detailed information on the known types of inherited predisposition to pancreatic cancer.